Tuesday, 31 August 2010

WOW... Thats a huge sword!

I love the internet, you can find out anything you would ever want to know in about a minute and also find some things that you never, ever wanted to know about. It's made communication so much better, easier and faster and opened the whole world's eyes to new things. It was men's simple desire to see naked chicks on a computor screen that started the whole thing!

The internet can be good for online relationships or bad. On the one hand, you have online dating websites that can bring people together because they wouldn't be able to go outside and meet people in person, because of shyness, body issues or disability - which is a good thing. Then you have the desperate, pervy men. (And it always is men)

For example; I was innocently playing an online game which is aimed at a large range of ages, the box says 12+. I was strolling down a street minding my own business when someone whispered to me: 'Do you wnat to earn 50gold?', now that's a lot of money in this game; it would take me about 6 weeks to earn that much money on my own. So I replied 'For doing what?', I thought he was going to ask me to summon a portal or spell or something, but no... 'take all of your armour off for 2-3mins'. Yeah, I'm going to stand my character there naked for 3 mins so you can jerk off... What if I was a 12 year old girl? Sick.

I mean, some people you meet online are ok, but most are horny guys wanting some action. Take the website Chatroulette, for example. The whole point in this site is to see people in their own homes, at their computer screens, and it's a lucky 5 minutes if there isn't a penis on screen. I just don't get how this kind of thing can be legal, since a child of any age could go onto this website and see hardcore, live porn. We never had all this growing up, thank god!

Although there are some dodgey bits of the internet (two girls one cup), I think it's positives outweigh the negatives. Oh yes, and tell your little sister to stop putting pouty images of her self on facebook, you never know who's looking.

A little rant bought on by a bad experience on World of Warcraft...

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