Wednesday 21 November 2012

10 Scariest Video Game Enemies: Part Two

If you read Part One of my list, then you will see that my list of scary enemies in games is quite unexpected and not what everyone would choose.

This is because of my own personal experiences with games and not just based on what looks scary or is intended to be, for example: Deadspace is a truly terrifying game, but none of the enemies stood out to me particularly and thus didn't make the list.

Anyway let's continue... No. 7: Seymour from Final Fantasy X.
People reading this might think, wait, he's not scary! And it certainly doesn't seem that way at first, he welcomes you into his home and even offers an invitation of marriage to the beautiful Yuna...
...Who is the main character's love interest in the game. This annoyed me at first because Tidus is supposed to get with Yuna right?? But anyway Seymour is a really scary guy, and not because he has this:
The Aeon Anima, who can take out close to 1000 enemies, just by thinking it. But because of his apocalyptic ethics which are so atrocious that when I first played this game I thought, are you for real?? (I later realised that he wasn't real, he was just a video game character). In order to save the world, according to Seymour, he should become this:
Which is Sin, the ultimate enemy in Spira and then proceed to make sure that no living thing is left on the planet, just so that there will be no more suffering! How twisted can you get? Oh and there's also the unrelenting battles that he loves getting into with you, including this one:
Which is a really annoying battle where Seymour transforms into Seymour Flux and casts Total Annihilation on your whole party, leaving everyone with 1HP. This battle constantly scared the shit out of me while trying to heal myself from 1HP with items that would kill you because he cast Zombie on your ass!! (Which makes all healing items give you damage)

Anyway, some people might not have found that scary but surely the next one:

No. 6: Slender Man from Slender
It's easy to see from this screenshot why he is so damn scary. You spend most of the game running around looking at this:
Empty, dark forest with no real features or landmarks to tell exactly where you're going. It's a very eerie game where the anticipation of seeing Slender Man is the best thing about the game, because it makes you jumpy after a while of collecting notes and not actually seeing him. Check out some of the Slender reaction Videos on Youtube and you might just want to give this game a go!

Ok, onto something different... No.5 The T-Rex from Tomb Raider.
This guy scared everyone the first time they played this game! He suddenly appears from around the corner, massive and hungry with panic inducing music hammering away in the background!! Oh and you need the shotgun to kill this guy!! Lara's graceful jumping acrobatics don't really help her out at this part of the game when you are just trying not to get stomped on or eaten and then accidentally jumping into the ravenous creature!! The good old days...

No. 4: Chainsaw Zombies from Resident Evil 4!!
Aw, he doesn't look that scary!! Well that's because you can see him!! When you first encounter this fiend you have about 5 seconds to react to the sound of the chainsaw before this happens:
And after trying that section a few times, you work out how to get around him but spend the rest of the game listening out for a chainsaw and thinking Oh Shit! everytime you hear it, because if you are fighting off a horde of zombies and can't turn around to look for the chainsaw wielding madman, chances are you are already too late and get insta-killed by having your head sawn off!!

Read Part Three for the Top 3 Scariest Video Game Enemies!

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